The final weekend in March...

What a weekend.

First up at 9am on Saturday morning the PNP club had an individual hill climb time trial (on road) up Makara Hill.
About 10km, 7.5km was on the flat into the Southerly and the other 2.5km was uphill. Since I turned up late, I was one of the last to start. And a terrible start I had, but I came right on the hill. I won the women’s race in 21 minutes and 14 seconds with Nadene Boyle about 20 seconds behind. I was pretty stoked to place 5th overall.

Then Sunday morning saw us trek up to Waiterare Forest, outside of Levin for the final of the King of the Forrest Mountain Bike series.
Yet again I was running late, so the warm up was pretty non existent, but it didn’t take long to get into the race and enjoy the sandy and relatively flat course. Off the blocks I was first into the single track amongst the women (as we started with the men) – then didn’t see any of my competitors again and took the win, 16 minutes ahead of 2nd place getter Sharon Harris. The women’s race of 5 laps took me 1 hour 51 minutes while the pro guys did 6 laps. My lap times were very consistent at 22 minutes except for my last, which was my best at 21:43.
I was stoked with my race. And what’s more, it was a stunning day on the Kapiti Coast.

A big thanks to Time for the new Pulsion CX shoes. They rock. They uppers are firm and the soles stiff and they work brilliantly with the Time Mag Impact Pedals. Check out the shoes in the pics above.

Wellington Centre Champs - Saturday March 22

I thought I'd be adventurous again and race the Open grade as opposed to the Women's race (who did end up racing with the Vets and Juniors). It was my first time on the Carrington circuit, outside of Carterton which was 12km long with one challenging hill. We were up for 8 laps and 96km. Christian attacked from the gun while the rest of us were keen to ease into things. Graham Stone, Jamie Thynne and Gary Milbanke managed to bridge across. They stayed away until the 2nd lap. My legs were feeling a tad tired from the week's training and I felt heavy on the hill. I managed to stay with the bunch on the first lap but by the 2nd lap I was struggling as Paul Davies attacked. Over the top they were about 10m ahead of me but I just couldn't get back on. I time trialled on my own as others had dropped off behind me. I finally got back onto the bunch just before the 3rd time up the hill. Not good timing. Needless to say I got spat on the hill again. Doh. So, it became a 70km time trial. The day was stunning - about 28 degrees, blue sky and little wind. My legs were feeling ok so I continued for training. Each lap I thought, I'll just do one more lap. Then I had done 7 laps and thought what the hell, I hadn't been lapped so I'll finish the race. I finished 12th, 13 minutes down. Not bad for a solo ride! And all brilliant training. Click here for the results and pics.

Twin Peaks - Saturday March 15

Decided to race in A Grade for the 50km annual Twin Peaks road race taking in Paekakariki hill and finishing atop Haywards hill. Darren (Tank) Gordon got away early and solo'ed well into the turn around point until the bunch worked together to pull him back. I attacked on Haywards which I think shocked the guys - then they decided to chase me down. I finished 11th, 20 seconds down from Brent Backhouse who won the race. I was happy with a solid race. Click here for the results and photo's.

Fundraiser, March 15, 2003

What a night! I had heaps of fun. And a huge thanks to all of you who came along on Saturday night.

Jason and Lisa kicked the night off around 6:30pm at the King Wah restaurant in Courtney Place welcoming the 220 people and announcing a few surprises. A huge thanks to Bruce Blacklock and the Holiday Shoppe (on Lambton Quay - go see him for some discounted travel) and Gloria Ngan of Jason York (in Johnsonville)for their very generous donations. Then it was on to a bit of bubbly and a 9 course meal. With the help of sponsors we had some awesome prizes to give away. So many thanks to the following:

Gee Dental Centre (Lower Hutt) - Golf Set and Trundler
Scott USA - Backpack and Tshirt
Penny Farthing Cycles - Musashi Replacement drink and water bottles
New World Porirua - Hamper
Karori Service Centre - MTA Vouchers
Shell Eastern Suburbs - MTA Vouchers
Jason York (Johnsonville) - Gift Voucher
Area 51 - Gift Voucher
Jet Bar - Gift Voucher

During the meal the raffle prizes were drawn and I had my chance to speak. The evening continued on until the wee hours of the morning with some very talented dancers (go Peter and Audrey) and a few keen guys on the Karaoke (go Ewan, Jason and Rodney.) After that many continued on at the Jet Bar.

There were some more very kind donations throughout the night and from those that couldn't be there. Thanks to everyone for your overwhelming support.

And once again, the night would not have been possible without the help of Jason Moon, Lisa Ting and Peter Kohing. The fundraiser was all Jason's idea. Thanks Guys for the weeks of hard work and a very successful evening.

World Cup #1 Road Race, Geelong - March 2, 2003

An easy break happened within the first 7km lap of the Geelong city circuit. The bunch loooked at each other and let it go, obviously thinking it wouldn't stay away. But this was the deciding break of the race. The circuit was fast with a short hill with a tight hairpin at it's apex. We headed out along the scenic waterfront which usually strung out in the cross winds. The course included a tight loop around a park before returning back along the waterfront (again in cross winds) to pass through the start finish. I was thrilled with my performance finishing 38th and in the main bunch of 32. Due to the short course, those that were dropped and lapped were pulled from the race. Only half the riders finished.

1 CARRIGAN Sara BIP 3h 10' 5" 37.565 kmh
3 ARNDT Judith NUR
4 HOLT Melisa NZL
6 BATES Natalie A I S
7 BATES Katherine BIP 44'
8 ROSSNER Petra NUR 2' 12"
10 SCHLEICHER Regina World
11 BOSMAN Andrea BIP
13 OKI Miho Japan
14 WRIGHT Alison RRG
15 WOOD Oenone  A I S
16 GOLLAN Olivia A I S
17 SAFE Amy A I S
18 WILLIAMS Elizabeth V I S
20 HEMSLEY Margaret NUR
21 DOPPMANN Priska World
22 REEKIE-MAY Rosalind N ZL
23 GRAHAM Lorian Alchemy
24 WOOD Susie NZL
26 MILLER Meredith GRA
30 JAMES Emma A I S
31 PETERS Stacey TMO
32 CORNEO Sigrid RRG
33 RIAKOS Christine FRF-NSW
35 BRUCKNER Kimberley TMO
38 WONG Robyn World
41 FARRELL Annalisa NZL 2' 17"
42 HARRIGAN Natasha FRF-NSW 2' 20"
43 LINDBERG Madeleine NUR 2' 23"
44 BROWN Katie FRF-NSW 13' 38"

Post Oceania's, Pre Geelong Tour

Over the last few days in Geelong we’ve experienced 4 seasons – from stinking hot and 39 degrees to a cold south westerly wind and rain, and wait for it, hail and thunder forecast for tomorrow.
After my Oceania race I warmed down well so that I would recover for the next challenge – the Bellarine 3 day Women’s tour in Geelong starting the following day with a 30 lap criterium. My friends Fi, Dave and Ralph, along with my parents rented a van so they could spectate in Eildon then get me down to Geelong for the tour. So it was a quick stint back to Alexandra, shower and collect the luggage then hit the road to Melbourne for the evening.
We had a leisurely start to Sunday before leaving Melbourne about midday for the one hour cruise down to the bay city, Geelong. Met up with some of my team – the “world” team and settled into my hotel room which would be my home for the next 8 nights. The World team included Miriam Melchers (ranked 2nd in the World) from the Netherlands; Priska Doppman from Switzerland; Miyoko Karami, Japanese Cyclocross Champion; Saari Saarelainen from Finland; and myself. I learnt that Miriam had moved out of our hotel. I found this a bit weird, but I guess a World team was not necessarily going to work together. Nevermind. It was now time to start the tour.